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  • Neighbourhoods & Maps Featured_postWe’re gonna clean up this Town!! – 100th upload special   (Views: 9,431 )

    7 Responses

    1. triciamanly says:

      ekrubynaffit, incredible job redoing Belladonna Cove into a completely new setting for Sims. It’s really just like a new town. The amount of work is rather breathtaking! The uploading alone would stop me! I offer my sincerest congratulations on your 100th upload and I’m so proud to call you my friend! That is what I have to say! All the best!

    2. LadyAngel says:

      Oh, wow, wow, wow! This must have taken forever to upload, never mind create…well done, it all looks fantastic!

    3. ekrubynaffit says:

      It did take ages to upload lol started last night finished this arvo! Thank goodness I found that save to drafts button, very handy!! Thanks for he comments ladies, you guys are a big part of the reason why I still upload 😀

    4. Wow, Tiff, so worth the wait to view all of this, well done, girl 🙂 Although I didn’t like being kept in the dark 😉

    5. CheekyBugga says:

      I bet it killed you Kaz!!! hahaha Well done Tiff on for 1 keeping kaz out of the loop and 2 This is amazing!! The amount of work not to mention having to touch all those yucky Maxis dwellings I am in awe You really showed your talents in this one I thinks it’s awesome!! Thank you for sharing your 100th upload here to all your mates!! xoxoxo

    6. jones7659 says:

      It’s amazing, Tiff! Great job! And thanks for the credit 😉 I’m flattered you liked my idea enough to steal it, lol.

    7. ekrubynaffit says:

      Thanks Jones! And it was such an awesome idea, and deserves stealing lol!

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