Weather (Views: 59 )
I listen to so many people talk about the weather, it is to hot, too cold, to much rain, or snow and wind or what ever, I wonder why we are not satisfied with we we have. Yes, I so the lousy too’s and I am trying to not say that, the weather was created by od and no matter what we do we can’t change it. I tell myself this all the time, I’m glad I can live through these ” lousy” days, When it rains, I go shopping, or go to my craft room and create something, or watch some good movies I haven’t been able to do, With me it is always some kind of pain from surgeries so when I fell good for that little bit of time, I clean a part of the house or again create something, when it is nice, I go out and walk or shop, shop, shop my head off fro more craft materials. so even on the worse days, I rest, ice or heat a pain. I want to, for a change, see something good in the time I am in pain or when I create something. I’m glad to be alive, to praise my God and then thank him for letting me live another day, to see, feel and touch and hear all the wisdom he created and to experience. I hope this little blog will help someone else see, feel and hear and touch what he has created and maybe he wants us to learn from them, the what we call ” bad, horrible, messy, interrupting our days. Well this is my feeling on the weather. One more thing, I think God created these days we can’t do anything, is he is telling us we need to rest for awhile the body can’t handle all this, so take that rest your body needs and re-new it through rest. God Bless one and all and their families, may you all have A Happy, healthy & prosperous New Year. From chi with love & hugs
We here in AZ complain if it’s cloudy or not as warm as we want. But I agree, there are lousy day activities that can be done on those not so nice days. Hugs. Ginnie