Waterfall Park (Views:

Property Type: Community
Lot Size: 5×3
For nature loving sims you have 5 little falls cascading into a lake at the bottom. With the right ep, your sims can fish.
For active sims, you have a hiking trail which starts at the entrance, climbs up the east side of the park to the very top of the falls, and back down to the west side where the rest rooms are.
For cerebral sims you have two chess boards, precariously placed right next to the water.
For hungry sims, you have the ever present barbecue grill, and of course the necessary bathrooms.
Bring your sims to waterfall park for a relaxing day out.
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It looks like a really restful park.
I can’t imagine the work that must have gone into this, it’s absolutely beautiful! I honestly don’t know how you have the patience, but the time you spend on your creations really shows!
I downloaded this and love it! Thank you so much for your creativity!
Forgot to ask, Anne…are any of the water areas swimable?
So sorry that I let several years go by before responding . . . there is no swimming sadly, only hiking.