VillaNova Apala Trimless Wallpaper (Views:

Price: §8
“Apala” wallpaper pattern from VillaNova without any trim, as per karen lorraine’s request. There are 5 colors, labelled with obvious names, and found in the Wallpaper section for §8 a piece.
Each color is seamless with itself top and bottom (this means you can have an open, multi-storey space with them), but there is some extremely small variation from 1 color to the second. All this means is that if you wanted to put the blue one right next to the yellow one, they wouldn’t be 100% seamless or identical.
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Actually Tofu now you have done it I do like them more without the trim.Thank you so much
I prefer them with the trim, but these would look great on a feature wall!
Oh Tofu, thank you so much 🙂 Downloading now!