Valley Dale Neighbourhood – UPDATED! (Views:

Extra Info:
Contains custom content
Content is included
Contains occupied lots
Contains custom Sims
A fully populated neighbourhood with a wide range of lots, ranging from ultra modern to olde-worlde, there’s sure to be something here to suit any Sim.
Most of my base game lots can be found here, along with a wide selection of lots by triciamanly, who graciously gave me permission, as well as creating a community lot especially for this neighbourhood!
Thanks a bunch, tric!
There are a few lots exclusive to this neighbourhood that can’t be downloaded elsewhere, including a Town Hall and a beach-side hangout.
This is base game, but there is some custom content, mostly from myself and triciamanly that are included with various lots, however, I have kept this to a minimum.
There are several community lots, including parks, shops and a brilliant Country Club triciamanly created just for this!
I’ve also included some new Sims that also cannot be found elsewhere. Some have occupied lots, but most are just waiting for you to play them in the starter homes that are included. 😉
Have fun, and if you have any problems, please let me know!
Extra Info
Just download, extract the file, and place the folder in your Sims 2 Neighbourhoods folder. If you have any problems, please reply to this download.
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Oh wow!! I’ve never downloaded a neighborhood before, but I’ve started on this on. Have the first two parts and will finish tomorrow cause now it’s bed time here! What a lovely job you have done and how much fun for all of us! Thanks so much for including some of my lots!
Thank you for your lots to include! lol. I did enjoy creating this and am looking into creating some whole new maps using SimCity 4, which I haven’t got as yet, but I’ve seen some tutorials and it looks very interesting.
I would also like to do this! I want to create a beach town with lots right on the water for base game. But that’s probably not even possible because with base game you can only see the lot your playing. I suppose you would have to use Bon Voyage, right? Maybe I’ll ask Santa for SimCity4!! I finished downloading Valley Dale and now have to see if I can extract it correctly to make it work! Trying to follow your instructions!
I hope you manage to extract the files ok. I have actually just purchased SimCity 4 off eBay, fairly cheaply, but have no idea how to use it as yet. However, there are tutorials on YouTube on building and converting maps for Sims 2!
Cool neighborhood Angel thanks!
Thanks! 🙂
I just downloaded this gem and placed it on my 3T for safe keeping in case I have to destroy it. lol Love it!!! 🙂
I hope you manage ok, Julie!
This file has now been updated, so all you need to do is extract it and pop it into your Sims 2 Neighbourhoods folder. :partyblow:
Gracias from Spain 😉 🙂