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  • Neighbourhoods & Maps Valley Dale Neighbourhood – UPDATED!   (Views: 11,158 )

    16 Responses

    1. triciamanly says:

      Oh wow!! I’ve never downloaded a neighborhood before, but I’ve started on this on. Have the first two parts and will finish tomorrow cause now it’s bed time here! What a lovely job you have done and how much fun for all of us! Thanks so much for including some of my lots!

    2. LadyAngel says:

      Thank you for your lots to include! lol. I did enjoy creating this and am looking into creating some whole new maps using SimCity 4, which I haven’t got as yet, but I’ve seen some tutorials and it looks very interesting.

    3. triciamanly says:

      I would also like to do this! I want to create a beach town with lots right on the water for base game. But that’s probably not even possible because with base game you can only see the lot your playing. I suppose you would have to use Bon Voyage, right? Maybe I’ll ask Santa for SimCity4!! I finished downloading Valley Dale and now have to see if I can extract it correctly to make it work! Trying to follow your instructions!

    4. LadyAngel says:

      I hope you manage to extract the files ok. I have actually just purchased SimCity 4 off eBay, fairly cheaply, but have no idea how to use it as yet. However, there are tutorials on YouTube on building and converting maps for Sims 2!

    5. scarlet_117 says:

      Cool neighborhood Angel thanks!

    6. LadyAngel says:

      Thanks! 🙂

    7. I just downloaded this gem and placed it on my 3T for safe keeping in case I have to destroy it. lol Love it!!! 🙂

    8. LadyAngel says:

      I hope you manage ok, Julie!

    9. LadyAngel says:

      This file has now been updated, so all you need to do is extract it and pop it into your Sims 2 Neighbourhoods folder. :partyblow:

    10. tai12345 says:

      Gracias from Spain 😉 🙂

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