Trying to make a comeback (Views: 29 )
Trying to make a comeback
Well, I am trying to come back, I had so much going on, I got covid and had to go 25 miles away for an infusion of shots, 3 days in a row. Then I had to stay icelated for 20 days.I got headaches so bad, I felt like someone had a very big bat hitting me on my head. Getting better now, I have my own she shack, called ” Joanna’s Crafty Cottage” my husband gave it to my for my last birthday I turned 77, I can’t believe that, all though I sometimes feel that age. Am creating new homes. Well i hope you are all having a good spring day. As you all know, I love snow and I love fall, love the colors that God creates for us to enjoy. My life is a mess to a degree but I hsve to say that I do have some good days, those are the days I go to my Cottage and create different things, If you all would like to see what I create, then let me know and I will post some pics for you all.
God Bless you all, May your days be sunny and bright.
I would love to see you create something new 🙂