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Tric’s Desert Palms using AL (Views:

Lot Type: Rental
Property Type: Hotels & Rentals
Condition: Fully Furnished
Properties: 3
Price: §1882-2015
Lot Size: 3×3
Nothng of mine here, all Tric’s hard work, just converted for AL users.
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Tiff, thanks so very much! I just uploaded this to MTS. If they accept, I’ll provide a link to here so people can download the AL version. So glad to know it worked all right!
No Probs, or you could just add this zip to the dl at mts so its all in one place?
You are such a Doll Tiff 😀 But don’t worry I won’t tell anyone cause I know you will only deny it 😉 😛
I have the right to remain silent, anything I say or do will be held against me in a court of Law. lol, no more than what anyone else would do. 🙂
Great idea, you beat me to it! lol
I don’t care what you say you are a Doll!!!