Tinys Castle (Views:

Property Type: Residential
Condition: Fully Furnished
Bedrooms: 3
Price: §286,012
Lot Size: 4×3
Extra Info:
Contains custom content
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This months Challenge lot, just a small castle, with quite a bit of cc!
Please note BEFORE you download the castle you may want to download BuugyBooz Niches, all 3 sets https://buggybooz.blogspot.co.nz/2012…nd-niches.html, and the script for the rock stairs outside https://modthesims.info/d/277829.
If there are any thing I have missed please let me know.
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Spectacular! From the ancient stone to the fresh rushes on the floor, your castle is authentic and fascinating. I love the architectural touches. It’s a beautiful creation, Tiff!
Yay! I was hoping you’d upload this, thanks! Grabbing it now, can’t wait to have a look around! 😀
awesome 😉