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Tiki Hotel (Views:

Lot Type: Hotel
Property Type: Hotels & Rentals
Bedrooms: 7
Lot Size: 3×5
Extra Info:
This is a beach lot
Contains custom content
Content is included
Beach hotel with 7 bedrooms. There is a huge family suite that will sleep 5, and several budget rooms for the poorer Sims. 😀
Custom content is from myself and:
and karen lorraine
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Looks like a fun place to visit, Angela. Thank you for using my bedding 😀 Gives me quite a buzz to see it used.
Thanks, Kaz. I’m sure you’ll be seeing your bedding in quite a few of my uploads! 🙂
Very nice, relaxed atmosphere. Love it! Does it have group rates? How’s the weather in October?
Weather on Tiki Island? Always summer! 😀