Thanksgiving (Views:

Item Type: Misc
Price: §Various
4 Pumpkin Pies
This is an all wood wall, at top is a green diamond wood panel wtih a wheel barrels of pumpkins 4 pies, there is a green diamond molding under that, then lower wall is of a tan that looks like brick wood, unique, there is a kick molding of the same color diamond green.
Fl1 is a wood floor with a diamond pattern, first brown around edge, then green, then brown all in square and a wheel cart of pumpkins in center
Fl2- is a light tan wood floor that has a brick shape deesign etched into it with a wheel cart of punpkins at each corner
Fall Wreath
Wl1-A beautiful tan diamond pattern just visible on this paneled wood wall, at top is 2 fall wreaths of sunflowers, corn & leaves, there is a chair guard and kick molding of the same pattern, super great for the living rm, dining or where ever.
Wl2- This is the same tan wall same color there is not wreaths on this wall.
Fl2- is a wood floor with just a little difference in the color, slightly, there is a wreath on each corner.
Fl1- is of the same pattern but is created like a tile, the same wreath is on this floor.
Give thanks N’Wood
This wall has a pumpkin at the top of orange & yellow with a blue background, the wood is a mottly color of orange, blues, reds & yellow. A bright colorful wall for the festive holiday.
Fl1 – is a wood grain, with an light orangeish color with leaves all over & the give thanks pumpkin at each corner.
Fl2 -is of the same type of wood, with an orangish color with leaves all over and the picture from the wall, tiny @ top & bottom
Happy Harvest
Wall-A beautiful brown wood with a border of fruits, veggies on a yellow gackground and fflowers with a yellow band in center, a chair guard molding under picture
Fl1 is of the rich dark reddish parquet type wood from the wall.
Fl2 – is a tile floor, with fallish leaves around edge and a button cream next to that then an inner beveled design inside center.
Wl1-This beautiful wood wall has a stripe design going across, like paneling. At top is a picture of a fallish design, with all kinds of colors in the picture with a gold frame, there is chair guard & kick molding with a a dark spot under picture.
Wl2 is of the same wood with chair guard & kick molding, not picture.
Fl1 is a floor from the foreign east painted by hand, with the many different colors from the painting everywhere, there is also the frame painted in this tile floor.
Fl2- is of the wood from the lower wall with the molding in center and the picture of part of the painting in the center done by hand.
Pumpkin & Sunflowers
This lovely grayish diamond colored panel has a top border of pumpkins & sunflowers with leaves falling all around, the background is of many colors from gray to white to light gray, there is a crown & chair guard molding of the same grayish diamond pattern. Will surely look good in any dining room.
Fl1- is of the same grayish grainy wood with flowers, & leaves through the floor with white strips of white oak between wood slats.
Fl2 is a completely buttoned & beveled tile floor, the design painted by hand with pumpkins at all angles and leaves too.
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