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Residential Inexpensive Living 001


As requested by Sim Fans UK member, marka93, this is the first in a series of four unfurnished starter homes under 12,000 simoleons.

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Residential Candlewick Lane


This is Candlewick Lane home, it has 1 bedroom, master bath upstairs, a kitchen, bathroom, living room & ladies meeting room.

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Residential November Plantation


These are the pictures of my house November Plantation sorry I didn’t sent them before.

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Residential Lake Hayes Dream


I saw this 2 million Dollar Property for sale on Trademe at Lakes Hayes in Queenstown, and just loved it

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Residential Roof House


This house is made mainly of roofs and dormers with a few inside walls and an outside wall on the second floor. I think it looks rather like a chalet.

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Residential House of Roofs


House of Roofs is another house made mainly of roofs and dormers. I have placed it next door to the Roof House and they look nice together.

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Residential Mar Vista


Lushly tropical modern house with 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, large back deck, and pool. Basement garage may be made functional by knowledgeable people.

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Residential Monmouth Manor


Monmouth Manor was built in 1865 by the Earl of Monmouth for his second son, Harold. Over the years the Manor has been modernised but it still retains the olde worlde charm of when it was first built.

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Residential EA Foreign Game Lots


This is a set of houses by EA that can’t be found on their site any more as it doesn’t exist! I didn’t make these, I’m just hosting them.

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