Bristol Tattoo and Stylish Shoppe
Come get that special art work and then drop by the style shop for a complete makeover.

Seaport Village Rest Area
Stop by this little rest area for a swim, a bite to eat or to tend to those hygiene needs

Family Haven – Base Game, No CC
3 bedroom, 3-storey home made with just the base game and no custom content.

Family Friendly A-Frame – No CC!
3 full sized bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a single car garage + a carport, reasonable back yard, pool and spacious kitchen, dining and living.

19 Pastel Way – No CC (whoop, whoop!)
Number 19 is a spruced up Villa, keeping to the Villa like charm on the outside, while a bit more a a modern take on the inside.

Norwick Lighthouse
This lighthouse not only lights the way for those incoming ships, but also has a pint of ale waiting for thirsty sailors in the pub.

Glen Pond
Peasants can enjoy this lovely spot while improving their fishing or reading skills.

Western Saloon
My laptop won’t run to very large lots, I’m afraid, so this is a tiny saloon typical of the wild west.

Seaport Cemetery
Beware! Ghostly things happen at this cemetery. Peasants may come grieve for their loved ones, but should be ready for anything.

Seaport School
Peasant children will learn the basics for reading, writing and math
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