Swimming Pool Pond (Views:

Item Type: New Mesh
Function: Plumbing
Room: Outdoor
Price: §1200
Poly Count(s): 2848
Here is a new swimming-pool for your garden. In fact it is very easy to place. You can either place the object on the ground and you will see only the borders over ground. Build a swimming pool inside this border, it fits correctly. Then you can cut the corners with the proper tool like you see in one of the pics. Or you can build the swimming-pool first and then place the object on the top. It works both ways. Add diving-board and ladder and voila – an abstract shaped pond swimming pool! 🙂 It is located in Plumbing-Miscellaneous and is a complete basin. Cloned from the Venus, is Base Game.
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What a good idea! Perfect for those quirky, little lots!
This is a great idea! You do think of everything.
great work

thank you

Thank you so much!
I love this pool – don’t know how he does it! 🙂