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  • Residential Sunshine Lake   (Views: 2,203 )

    6 Responses

    1. LadyAngel says:

      I like the style of this house, chi, thanks for uploading it 🙂

    2. triciamanly says:

      Chi, you outdid yourself on the gorgeous tiles and walls. The old world one with chipped stucco is really a masterpiece. I also love the diagonal placement of the furniture and the elevation of the house where you climb that little cobblestone path to get to it. It’s a great house Chi!

    3. chilili says:

      Thank you both so much, I’m glad you both like this. I keep trying to make a small house and it just comes out these big ones. 😆
      I guess I just can’t think small. Remember to feel free to use my wall/floor sets in your creations.
      I will say again, I love Angel’s cabinet with the dishes & I love Tricia’s window seat. I sue them a lot.

    4. LadyAngel says:

      Chi, why don’t you do what I sometimes do and find a house design that you like and see if you can copy it? https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=house+floorplans&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr,ssl&ei=QvimVKrMLqHB7AbFg4CgDg

    5. chilili says:

      Thanks, Lady A, I will do that right now, hopefully I can find a small one and build on it a little (very little), 😆 that is such a good idea. Thanks

    6. Budcat says:

      What a nice house; I wish I had all the EP etc.

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