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Southern View – Base Game (Views: 2,267 )
Property Type: Residential
Condition: Fully Furnished
Price: §104,644
Lot Size: 3×2
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3 bedroom, modern style home with pool. Each bedroom has it’s own balcony.
Custom content is by myself and from the following links:…ested-via.html
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Very nice 🙂 . Love the colours you’ve chosen too.
This is fantastic. It’s just amazing you have created this with the base game. Very good job and some lovely recolours 🙂
Thanks girls! 😀
Wow just a base Game? 😮 I could never do that lol I love the color’s too especially the yellow Bedroom and bathroom and Kitchen and I love how big the livingroom is 😀 Now we know why you don’t chat you have been busy with this master piece 😉
Nice design and very clean and tidy looking, fab job Angela!
Thanks for your lovely comments. 🙂 Donna, I’ve been really busy fixing JJ’s and my daughter’s websites as they were both hacked. 🙁 I took the odd break to do some Simming, but I’ve also been setting up a website for my brother-in-law, so I’ve been a bit busy lately. :busy:
Awww Angela I am so sorry to hear that 🙁 Ohh there are some lowlife SCUM on this Earth!!!! Don’t worry hun you know they will be Judged 1 day 😉 I hope everything works out ok 🙂
All’s well that ends well – the sites are fixed and so is my computer…I’m back! Lol.
I agree with Donna on this one! The colours are awesome and for base game it really does look nice 🙂
@TheDeadSim – Thanks Cam 🙂