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  • Residential Featured_postSomerset   (Views: 3,284 )

    11 Responses

    1. LadyAngel says:

      Tric, I don’t know what to say…even you’ve outdone yourself with this one, it’s truly amazing! This is my kind of house, right down to the furnishings and decor…I want to live here!

    2. Beautiful house! Love it, inside and out!

    3. triciamanly says:

      I’ve been highly influenced by my two good friends from the UK, you and karen lorraine!!! I’m what you call an anglophile, which sounds terrible but is actually quite complimentary to your country, right? My son took a trip to Oxford when he was about 23 and was actually attending a class, when he put his head down on the table and went to sleep. Jet lag. My daughter and her friend Holly took a trip over too, and I was in London at age 4, a few years back. My husband has never been, but he has been to St. Petersburg and Helsinki, and Estonia. I’ve been to Estonia because my daughter was in the peace corps there. Did I digress?

    4. LadyAngel says:

      It’s ok to digress. 🙂 As much as I appreciate England, it’s a very, very expensive place to live. Taxation is at an all-time high, and we pay a fortune for a T.V license every year. The NHS is a blessing, though…I’m extremelly clumsy and am always in the emergency room for one thing or another! lol

    5. Tricia, you must come and visit us, although LadyAngel and I live at opposite ends of the country, but I suppose to an American, that’s nothing, lol. Glad we’re influencing you 🙂

      This is indeed a lovely house.

    6. triciamanly says:

      I would love to come some day! Right now I’m taking care of my parents in their 90’s, make their meals, spend the night, clean the house, etc. and I can’t leave town, but some day I would love to visit the UK! That also goes for having visitors from the UK who might want to see the desert and the Grand Canyon! I would love that as much!

    7. triciamanly says:

      Our government wants the same thing for us. Right now I pay $500 a month for health insurance for me and my husband and we each have a $10,000 deductible. I get this “cheap” rate because I’m on still on my school district insurance since I just retired last year. After 18 months my health care goes up to $840 a month, but I think the deductible may be lower. It’s just crazy. They say Obama Care will fix that. We’ll see. I don’t know how it will be cheaper with 20 million more users and with contraception free (I didn’t have it free when I needed it!)

    8. LadyAngel says:

      Goodness, I didn’t realise health insurance costs so much. We complain about the NHS over here, and it does have some major flaws, but I’d hate to think where we’d be without it. I suppose we take it for granted, really.

    9. I’m a lupus patient here and in a wheelchair and I don’t have insurance, so cash is paid to my doctor and you would not believe the cost, yet it is still cheaper than buying insurance here. So very, very sad really.

    10. Princess says:

      Absolutely stunning house Tric. Completely wonderful!

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