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  • Community Featured_postSnobworthy Boarding School for Girls – NO CC   (Views: 12,760 )

    9 Responses

    1. Wow! That looks amazing! So much detail too and no CC. Love it 🙂

    2. LadyAngel says:

      This is amazing! How long did this take?

    3. Princess says:

      Thanks both. It took me about 4 and 1/2 hours!!

      Not sure why the grass is patchy tho 🙁

    4. TheDeadSim says:

      Certainly a lot of work has gone into this one! And 4 1/2 hours isn’t that much compared to how long I take with my creations lol. You’ve done a great job with it! The patchy grass (I assume you are talking about on the sloped bits of terrain), always looks like that on slopes and the only way to try and avoid it is by clicking and holding the grass terrain painter on top of it till it’s almost gone (takes a while sometimes).

    5. CheekyBugga says:

      I agree with everything the others have said ! This does look so real with so much detail!! here I was thinking I was good finishing a lil house in about 2 hrs!! thats nothiong compare to this, Awesome job Princess!!

    6. ekrubynaffit says:

      Fantastic job Princess, the caf looks alot like what my boarding school did when i attended, oh so many years ago!!

    7. Princess says:

      Thank you for the kind comments all. 🙂

    8. SpankyMadison says:

      This is amazing. I am fascinated at times on just how creative some people are. Love how detailed this is. Nice job.

    9. LadyAngel says:

      If you wanted to use this as a dorm lot, you could use this mod:

      Another way is to add more than one door to a room, then multiple Sims can use the one room.

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