Sims2 TreeHouse Tutorial (Views:
DarkLab101 — 27 January 2008 — PLZ READ
Listen guys, thankyou for veiwing, but Im getting worried. I noticed a few days ago this video was re posted under another users name without giving the credit for it being my video =/ If anyone wants to repost this ASK ME FIRST. If its your own tutorial obviously I dont mind =P But if youre going to repost this video or any of my future videos please ask me.
Also, over the summer I hope to have up new tutorials for you guys. Im sorry but my Windows Movie Maker has stopped working Im not sure why. If anyone can help me resolve this issue Id be very grateful.
Thankyou everyone for your fantastic feed back. Im very happy to see this video is helping Sims2 players =D Sorry If I dont get around to answering questions in the comments columb. If I dont reply within 48hrs. please send a message to me and I will respond ASAP.
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