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  • Creating Sims 2 – Beginner’s Meshing Tutorial – Basic Table   (Views: 22,240 )

    23 Responses

    1. triciamanly says:

      Actually, the table is supposed to be narrow because it goes behind a sofa for lamps or decorative items. It’s the texture I can’t get right. Still working though!

    2. LadyAngel says:

      Yes, it’s the mapping that determines how the texture will show in game so it’s just a matter of keeping the table constrained while resizing it in UVMapper, so it’s not too thin or wide compared to the original size. For example, if the table is rectangular, it’s no good resizing it into a square image, it needs to be constrained properly of the image will look stretched. If the legs are mapped separately, they need to be resized in proportion to the resized table etc. it’s all very frustrating at times, but once it clicks it’s so worth it.

      If you can afford UVMapper Pro, you can load a texture while you map so it’s much easier to see what the finished result will look like. I use the grid image from the bottom of this post:

      You load the texture then make sure the grid squares on the image are perfectly square and the same size for each mapped part:

    3. triciamanly says:

      I think I’ve messed up SimPE because when I try to import my new texture, the TXTR image line is gone from the resource tree. I have more trouble with SimPE than anything else, losing windows, windows appearing behind the main screen, I read the docking instructions but am obviously way out of my league!

      Any ideas about how I lost txtr?

    4. LadyAngel says:

      It could be that you have cloned an object that was ‘slaved’ to something else so it may not have an image file. Try cloning another table and importing your image and mesh into that. After that, you will need to give it a new GUID, but you can use ones already in your database if they are not being used for anything else, or have been used for something you don’t want any more.

      Also, try Extra -> Preferences -> SimPE Preferences and click “Reset Layout”. Then close down SimPE and open it again to see if the windows are all back to normal.

    5. triciamanly says:

      Thank you so much!!! Have a great Saturday. It’s raining here, loving it!

    6. triciamanly says:

      Thanks to you, Lady Angel, I finally finished my Dark Wood table set which includes sofa back table, end table, and coffee table. For some reason, maybe because the mesh is slightly too tall, a lamp won’t go on the end table, but the phone will.
      What do you think of the set, is it upload ready?

    7. LadyAngel says:

      Anne, you have done so well in such a relatively short time, I’m so impressed! I think as long as you make it plain about the lamp issue, there’s no reason you can’t upload these items. I’d definitely use them in my game…I think you and I have a lot of the same tastes! lol

    8. triciamanly says:

      I went back and redid the mesh. It was a little too high and now the lamp problem is fixed. I’m going to send this to my other computer with sim game installed and see what happens. If all is good, I’ll upload. Again, many, many thanks!

    9. LadyAngel says:

      Well, after seeing this, I’m sure all the frustration and hard work has been worth it. You’ve made a fantastic job of those tables and I’m looking forward to seeing them in our downloads section. 🙂

    10. LadyAngel says:

      I’ve since learned it’s best not to click ‘Update all MATT’s when creating an object – not sure why, but it shouldn’t make a difference to anything you create to leave that box un-ticked.

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