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  • Creating Sims 2 – Beginner’s Meshing Tutorial – Basic Table   (Views: 22,246 )

    23 Responses

    1. triciamanly says:

      Lady Angel! This is wonderful! I’m going to try again. My son is coming for Christmas, maybe he’ll help me except that my grandchildren ages 4 and 2 don’t have a bedtime and don’t take naps!! All the best and thank you so very much for writing this. I will be so thrilled if I can make a table!

    2. LadyAngel says:

      Oh, I’m so pleased you’re not giving up! This will be easier to make than the candlestick, but the process is the same, it can’t really be made any simpler than this…I hope! lol. Anyway, just let me know if you get stuck or don’t understand anything…good luck!

    3. triciamanly says:

      I’m about to start adding texture which is super hard for me because I don’t really understand gimp yet. For my candlestick I selected the stick and bucket filled with a silver pattern from the program itself and I thought I bucket filled the candle with white but it all bled together. My candle looks like a baby bottle on a pedestal! Now we’ll see about the table. Can I fill just the actual table top or do I have to select and fill the whole thing?

    4. LadyAngel says:

      You can select and fill any part of the table you want, all with different textures/colours if you like. So you could select the whole thing and make it all 1 texture, or you could colour the top and legs differently.

    5. triciamanly says:

      Here is my “sofa back table” and as you can see it’s really rough! I can’t get the gist of gimp so I used irfanview which is what I’m used to, but the texture is bad so, when son comes tomorrow, will ask for help! But thank you soooo very much for this tutorial!

    6. LadyAngel says:

      You’re really picking up meshing, the table looks great! The mapping is always the hardest part, for me at any rate. In UVMapper, try selecting all and mapping the whole thing as a box. Then save the image as 1024×1024. I find sometimes that saving the image with these dimensions helps the texture not to look so stretched. (Any image editor will do the job, so just use what you’re used to.)

      I’d love to see this table in our downloads section, so please have another go with the mapping! 🙂

    7. triciamanly says:

      Thanks so much for your reply! If I remap the table and retexture it, how do I apply the changes in simpe? Do I have to replace wood again and get another guid or just open a new texture image?

    8. LadyAngel says:

      Just re-import the mesh (replace the wood) and the texture and save and it should be fine. You don’t need to do anything else unless you are using it to create a brand, new object.

    9. triciamanly says:

      I somehow lost my discourse table from the sim game, I imagine by replacing that file instead of the new mesh one when I redid the texture. Oh well. I don’t suppose there is anyway to get it back? I can live without it. May I have your honest opinion of this, my 6th attempt to retexture! I just can’t seem to sharpen up the texture. It’s always blurry. This is the best I’ve done so far.

    10. LadyAngel says:

      That’s looking so much better. It’s really hard to get to grips with mapping, it’s all a matter of keeping the proportions right when resizing the maps. It just takes practice, but you are definitely getting there.

      The disappearing table is a bit trickier. I’ve found BlackPearlSims invaluable for troubleshooting meshes and things, you may want to try there for advice.

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