Simlogical School Tables recoded (Views:

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This Mod:
affects gameplay
affects children and/or babies
affects objects
affects skills, needs or wants
This is originally Inge Jones’ creation (Simlogical). I have her permission to modify it.
If you still don’t know, Inge created a 1 tile table that calls children or teens to do homework and improve their school grades.
It still works the same way, but I recoded it to: Satisfy A+ wishes and really include the A+ memory to the kid. It will fullfill all the game features, for people who doesn’t send kids to school. Well, I suppose that still exists places where children are educated home. I am a self didactic and most of the things I know, I learned by my own (and I hate schools!) 🙂 Oh! but I finished school anyway! 🙂
The process is: buy one of the school tables, place a chair, click on the table and you will get a menu to call any child or teen from the current family. They will do homework as their first priority. If they have never been at school and their grades are high enough, they will get A+ memories and satisfy this wish. You can also command any sim over teen age to teach a child. Teens require an adult or elder teacher.
The card table has a glass recolor included too. It will override Inge’s school table and she is informed as well.
There’s another homework object from Inge that is just a pencil that you can place on a normal table and works the same way.
I recoded this one too, but made it separatedly, so it won’t override Inge’s.
The object is very low poly and both sets don’t have more than 198 polys. They cost both 95 simoleons and are located in surfaces/tables.
It is possibly Base Game, but as I have all EPs and SPs installed, it is recommended to check.
PS: The diagonal glass table is available at MTS2. It is my creation too.
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What an excellent idea, thank you very much for this!
thanks 🙂
Wonderful! I do a medieval hood, where most of my kids are home schooled. So nice to be able to get those A+ wants and memories!
Thanks from myself, as well. 8)