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Shakespeare Theatrical Troope (Views:

Price: §18,198
Game Version: 12.273.017001
Here is another community lot from my medieval world, Dracul Isle. This rustic movie lot is where stars are created as they act out their parts and fantasies. Dreams are made and lost in this powerful place of theatrical futures.
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CC Free
Movie Lot
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Very nice design, and I love the clutter in the back yard!
You’ve thought of everything to make your Medievel neighborhood authentic! I too love the surroundings of the theater. Is that the set where the actors perform? So original!
Thanks, LadyAngel. The clutter is actually a movie set for the actors. 😀 I was very burned out by the time I got to this lot and did not work on it enough. It is a rabbit hole for the movie making lot.
Thanks, tricia. I did want to offer that career choice and rabbit hole, so I had this little small spot to put a movie making lot. Like I told LadyAngel, I was so burned out by the time I thought to put this lot in, I did not put much effort into it. LOL ….And yes, that is the set for the actors.