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  • Community Shakespeare Theatrical Troope   (Views: 2,098 )

    3 Responses

    1. LadyAngel says:

      Very nice design, and I love the clutter in the back yard!

    2. triciamanly says:

      You’ve thought of everything to make your Medievel neighborhood authentic! I too love the surroundings of the theater. Is that the set where the actors perform? So original!

    3. Judy Sims says:

      Thanks, LadyAngel. The clutter is actually a movie set for the actors. 😀 I was very burned out by the time I got to this lot and did not work on it enough. It is a rabbit hole for the movie making lot.

      Thanks, tricia. I did want to offer that career choice and rabbit hole, so I had this little small spot to put a movie making lot. Like I told LadyAngel, I was so burned out by the time I thought to put this lot in, I did not put much effort into it. LOL ….And yes, that is the set for the actors.

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