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Shabby Chic Country Kitchen (Views:

Item Type: Misc
Function: Sets
Room: Kitchen
Price: §Table §100, Chair §60, All Accessories §30
Poly Count(s): Pan set 4960, Flour tin 836, Spice rack 2456, Clock 224, Bread bin 228, Chair 554, Table 100
This is a selection of new meshes, plus a Maxi’s re-colour (the Counter Culture cabinets). There are 8 new meshes, 2 of which have very high poly counts, so please use sparingly. 🙁 Anyway, I hope you like them.
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These look good, Angela, and I like that you’ve used simlish as well 🙂
Thanks Karen. The thing that gave me the biggest headache was the pan set, but hopefully it won’t impact on your game too much, even though it’s high poly.
I love this – very much my style. You have captured shabby chique perfectly, well done!
Thanks Ms P 🙂
No one will need ep’s anymore with all the new, cute, homey objects you are coming up with! You have a new skill that we all benefit from!
Thank you Anne…hopefully one day we’ll be using your stuff, too! 🙂
Thank you very much; it looks very nice 🙂
Thanks, I’m pleased you like it 🙂
Thanks I love this set, I like white anyway 🙂