Sculpture – Movie Picture Background (Views:

Item Type: New Mesh
Function: Miscellaneous – Misc
Room: Outdoor
Price: §150
Poly Count(s): 16 (Screen) 3780 (bike)
I sincerely didn’t see Angel’s picture background before and this post is completely unrelated. I was testing a way to make Movie pictures backgrounds for diverse purposes. It is not even that good because the resolution will be always poor unless someone is wanting to burn down the graphic card. This is a big screen and I named the file “Sculpture-Movie-Picture-Background” and has 3 recolors included. One is simulating a road in the woods and has 2 parts in the same object that run separated, so they move coordinated but are not the same picture. To better illustrate the illusion, I included a small movie in the file name “Movie-bike Race”. The 3rd file is a new version of Exercise Bike that I remade to eliminate the previous clipping. As I said, it is not even good, but it is another way to do the same thing. As I use OFB as game base, I established OFB as requirement. The sculpture is cloned from the Venus, so it is Base Game and should work BG, the bike is not, it is reverted to OFB and LS. The big screen is of course Animated (see the little video for better idea). I made the animated woods and road self, the other recolors I took from the game TV and is really bad resolution but it is just waste space to show how it works.
Extra Info
Screen is Base Game.
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I just checked out the little video and it looks really good – what an excellent idea to have an animated background!
Cool ! 😀