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  • Residential Sand and Sky   (Views: 2,275 )

    5 Responses

    1. LadyAngel says:

      This is amazing! I particularly love the formal living room. I can imagine this as a family holiday (vacation) home by the sea, with plenty to do, but with lots of time to relax!

    2. triciamanly says:

      LadyAngel, can you see pictures? I can’t see any, only the captions.

    3. LadyAngel says:

      Yes, I can see them fine. Try clearing your browser cache to see if that helps.

    4. triciamanly says:

      Yay, I can see the pictures now!

    5. LadyAngel says:

      Great…I was beginning to get worried there! One member told me they couldn’t even post earlier, but that was sorted, too.

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