Rustic Picnic Table and Bench (Views:

Item Type: New Mesh
Function: Sets
Room: Outdoor
Price: §50 each
Poly Count(s): 252
Here is a picnic table for your Sims’ parks and backyards. Karen Lorraine also had the idea of having an indoor version which i really liked. As you can see by the screenshot, Sims will hold their dishes because the bench is cloned from the park bench instead of a chair. Trying to do the chair clone was beyond me!
Extra Info
price of bench is also 50 simoleons and polygon count is 216
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Very, very nice! I love the weathered wood one! Downloading now!
I like the plain old wooden version! Downloaded! Thanks for making this!
Looks good, Anne. The reason I suggested an indoor version is because we had a set (table, benches and a couple of chairs) very similar for our country style kitchen when I was first married. (We still have the table and one chair from the set in the garden.)
Yes, Kaz, I used to have a table and bench set for my kitchen a few years ago. 🙂
I loved your idea Karen Lorraine, thanks for it!
Wow, I was just thinking how I would like to have a picnic set for my gazebo, I just made. Also Tricia, I have another house for you to look at. I think I went to crazy with this one. hope you think it is really crazy.
Thanks for the picnic set, YEA