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Retro Dining Set (Views:

Item Type: New Mesh
Function: Sets – Dining & Other Chairs, Dining Tables
Room: Dining
Price: §Table §100, Chair §60
Poly Count(s): Table 424, Chair 894
Go back in time to the 70’s with this retro dining table and chair set.
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mmm, interesting, wrong colour though, all we had was teak!
Yes, I’m going to do recolours for this. Style and colour were based on retro images. 🙂
Updated with 1 recolour.
This is fab – your meshing is really good I don’t know how you have the patience 🙂
Nice job
Thanks Ms P. It doesn’t really take long to create stuff like this, but I’m not completely happy with it. I suppose I’ll get better as I go on…after all, remember my first Sims houses! 😯
OOOOO Can you do it in black?? lol
That’s more like i remember, lol
Everything in fake teak, come to think of it all mum’s furniture is still fake teak, lol
You’re doing so good with the meshing! Looking forward to seeing lots more!
Thanks everyone. I’m on a bit of a dining furniture kick at the moment as it’s relatively easy to build. I’ve found an image of some more modern furniture which doesn’t look too difficult, so I may give that a go later today or tomorrow.
Looks really good! I too am looking forward to seeing some more meshing from you 🙂