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Red Brick Starter – Basegame No cc (Views:

Property Type: Starter Homes
Condition: Starter Furnishings
Bedrooms: 1
Price: §19,968
Lot Size: 3×2
Heres a base game starter for your simmies with no cstom content.
Has one bedroom, seperate living area and a kitchen and dining room and one bathroom. Lots of room to expand. Costs $19,968 and furnished with the basics also includes phone, and alarms.
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This is weird…only yesterday Princess was asking me if I’d ever built a base game starter home, and I don’t think I ever had as it was too difficult. But you’ve done it! I really like this, it’s going into my brand new S2 installation on my now working PC! 😀
Nice starter!!! Fully fenced too! Great job 🙂
Tell you what, this probably took me longer to build than a larger house stuffed with CC using all the eps/sps! Was a real headache! Glad you like it 🙂
Yup Cam fully fenced, Got to keep the kids in lol!
My mistake, made one ages ago!
I thought Id seen a bg starter from you somewhere!! Looks good too!
Thanks, Tiff. Actually, I’ve just looked and I have loads, so I don’t know what I’m talking about as usual! 😀