Radial Glass Spiral Stairs (Views: 135,899 )
Item Type: New Mesh
Price: §79
Poly Count(s): 1658
This is based on Marvine’s work, so I named Marvines Spiral Stairs. It is a mixture trying to imitate the Radial Glass Spiral Stairs from TS2. Warning: the worker that built the glass steps is as short-sighted as me, so don’t claim if the steps suddenly go broken. It is supposed to be Base Game but LS uses classification 8C/0x0001 (Base Game is 8b/0x0000 as previously informed – Check ObjData). Poly count is 1658.
Extra Info
Object fit for Life Stories, first Edition
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Thanks for the stairs, I haven’t had any for along time, ever since I lost all my files.
All Marvine’s stairs are still available at MTS2 and they all work in whatever game configuration including Life Stories. I have my own sets because I made some modifications to fit my LS game, that is different from the original.