Quite Comfy (Views:

Property Type: Residential
Condition: Fully Furnished
Bedrooms: 3
Price: §221,483
Lot Size: 5×3
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Before we get to all the eye candy (and I have gone a bit overboard on pics!) There are a few important things you will need to go and get if you want the house to look as it is, on larger items I have tried to stick to a few creators just so its easier to go get items. PLEASE if you go and download the sets make sure you install them BEFORE installing the lot, else they may not show up correctly!
Majority of the the objects used are by Veranka, from one set in five parts. So if you want the doors windows and some fencing you will need Part 1, If you would like the blinds with the house you will need Part 2, If you want the Kitchen with the house you will need Part 3, and if you want the bed, end tables, coffee tables bookcases etc you will need Part 4 and if you want the Nursery Furniture you will need Part 5. The bathroom is pretty much all from Veranka to so downlaod that here. I have also used a few items from Veranka for the floor aquarium which you can get here. Thats it for Veranka! If you would like the playground go see Phaenoh. Theres a counter in there that needs the Master File from Buggy get that Here. If you want the Ivy get that here and last but not least, I have included the items in the master closet, but it does require a master mesh which is used for community lots so I could not include that you will need it for clothes to show here. Also shown but not included due to quite a high poly count is the stunning Yadero Ballerinas by RgdyAnne if you want those get them here.
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Anye https://www.pinkbox-design.com/
Ulmille https://www.modthesims.info/member.php?u=401726
ATS https://sims2.aroundthesims3.com/
BuggyBooz https://buggybooz.blogspot.co.nz/
Misteaqueen https://www.blackpearlsims.com/downlo…?do=cat&id=173
Cassandre https://www.blackpearlsims.com/downloads.php?do=cat&id=6
Kitty is Pretty https://modish-kitten.net/ts2/
Carmen https://carmenstoddlers.blogspot.co.nz/
Billyjean https://www.blackpearlsims.com/downlo…p?do=cat&id=20
Awe sims https://awesims.tumblr.com/
Dh Sims https://moonsims.asi.org/dh-sims-site/sims2main.htm
Min https://www.blackpearlsims.com/downlo…?do=cat&id=273
Sugah https://sugahsplace.forumotion.net/
Windkeeper https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Windkeeper/
Avindia https://avenidasims.com/
Maylin https://www.modthesims.info/m/323183
Suza https://www.simplystyling.de/homesims2.html
11 Dots https://files.sims2graveyard.com/11dots/
4esf https://www.4eversimfantasy.net/
Adele https://archive.sims.shanegowland.com…ims/index.html
Ailias https://www.modthesims.info/member.php?u=16333
Ohbehave https://ohbehave007.blogspot.co.nz/
Steffor https://www.simplystyling.de/homesims2.html
Tricia Manly https://www.simfansuk.com/sims/members/492-triciamanly
Grito https://gritosims2game.blogspot.co.nz/
Hannie https://www.blackpearlsims.com/downlo…?do=cat&id=170
Honeywell https://www.modthesims.info/member.php?u=2162911
Angela https://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Angela/
Jonesi https://www.blackpearlsims.com/downlo…p?do=cat&id=17
Ninth Wave https://www.theninthwavesims.com/
MustLuvCatz https://mustluvcatz-sims-stuffs.blogspot.co.nz/
Living Dead Girl https://www.thesimsresource.com/artis…20Dead%20Girl/
Mango https://mangosims2.free.fr/
LMHWJS https://lmhwjs.wordpress.com/
Amovitam https://amovitamsim.livejournal.com/
Veranka https://verounique.livejournal.com/
RgdyAnn https://sims2artists.com/index.php?board=179.0
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It is truly amazing Tiff! Love the sign in the utility room, ‘Check your pockets’. Thanks for letting me have a sneak preview 🙂
Oooh, so stunning! It must have taken an age to build this, but how worth it!
Thanks ladies 🙂 It did take awhile, in between the ongoing contest at mts, nearly threw in the towel after 5 minutes when I couldnt get the curve on the roof window working, but glad I soldiered on!
Its absolutely stunning!! How soon can you start Building this for me for real?? 😛
My mouth is hanging open like it does when I’m asleep! I just can’t say enough complementary things about your work of art, and thank you so very much for including my window. I’m so honored! About the curved roof with the skylight, can you explain how you did that, what ep is necessary, was cc used, etc. Just when you get a chance!
Thanks Anne and thankyou for making a great window 🙂 The skylight I used glass tiles and the flat divider by Ailias, found a few tutorials that were similair and then just changed them up a bit to make it, I know Im being a bit vague Im sorry but I had everything saved to favourites and got a bad virus infect my pc the other day and had to do a full re install of windows and I silly enough forgot to save my Faves (even though Donna told me to) so I cant remember what tutes I used. Was thinking I may actually make one for the skylight since I havnt seen one specific for it, so will try and fit it in to other things!! 🙂
A tutorial would be fab, Tiff, if you could manage it some time. How frustrating for you to have lost all your faves – I’m in the middle of formatting my main PC but there’s always something I forget to back up!
Great job on this one tiff 🙂
Very unique with so much effort put into it!
Very nice. Thanks for sharing.