Proportional Table Lamps (Views:

Item Type: New Mesh
Function: Lighting
Room: Multiple Rooms
Price: §Bohemian lamp: §14, Cubic lamp: §130, Atomica Age: §200, Far East (Lotus): §215
Poly Count(s): Bohemian lamp: 1498, Cubic lamp: 1080, Atomica Age: 1498, Far East (Lotus): 1568
Everytime I look for a table lamp, the game offers me only too big or too small ones. I decided to make them the size I need.
The original Bohemian lamp would be fit better as floor lamp, so I made a custom smaller version.
The ikea lamp even if realistic, is far too small. It is a very complicated mesh for being so tiny, so I made it a little bit bigger.
The other lamps are simply out of proportions though they are beautiful, so I simply replaced them. The asian lotus and the atomica age kids lamp, now fit on an end table or coffee table with better proportions, I think.
The cubic lamp was sort of bonus but it is so big that I never found a proper place to use it. As this is originally a custom object by EA self, if you like the proportions you can simply take the original out of the downloads folder and place this one instead. If you didn’t have it, well, now you do.
Poly count:
Bohemian lamp: 1498, price § 14
Cubic lamp: 1080, price § 130
Atomica Age: 1498, price § 200
Far East (Lotus): 1568, price 215
Note: the poly count is the same as the original, once to make an object smaller or bigger doesn’t change the polys at all.
I used simpe and Milkshape
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Will yours pick up any recolours that we have for the original ones in game?
What an excellent idea…I’ve always wanted new lamps for my game. 🙂
The lotus and atomica are mesh replacements, so they will pick any recolor you have.
The bohemian lamp is not slaved. If you know how to do it, you can try. Normally I don’t like slaved material, unless they are very complex or are sets with several items, sharing same texture.
The ikea lamp is not even recolorable.
The cubic lamp is extra material, if you have any recolor, they will show up because it is just a mesh replacement.
ok thanks xptl 🙂 not up to meshing, recolouring or slaving anything at the moment or for the foreseeable future.
Oh Thank you ..I love the one on the end (right side) but have always thought it was way too high 🙂
Great Job! I love all of them but my favorite is actually the lotus! Thank you for this!! 🙂