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  • Worlds & CAS Screens Presenting a new world, Victoria Isles   (Views: 4,593 )

    11 Responses

    1. LadyAngel says:

      I can’t even begin to imagine how much work has gone into this, I’m very impressed, well done! I just wish I had all the packs so I could use it!

    2. This looks absolutely gorgeous. I don’t play sims 3 very often, and I only have the base game, but I’d download it if I could.

    3. Judy Sims says:

      Thank you so much, Lady Angel. I am thrilled you liked it. That is too bad you don’t have all the EPs. Maybe someday. 😀 Thanks for hosting it for me. 🙂

      Hi Karen Lorraine. Lorraine is my mother’s name. 🙂 Thank you so much for that wonderful comment on my world. I guess I might have to build a world some day just using the base game for you girls. 🙂

    4. LadyAngel says:

      Careful, we might hold you to that! 😉

    5. 🙂 Lorraine is my middle name. I wasn’t very inspired when I first created my username when I joined MTS. I didn’t really understand what a username was all those years ago. I am registered in most places as karen lorraine but at BPS my name is Pepsi, not that I visit there very often.

      Please just call me Karen – not so long-winded, and takes less time to type, lol

    6. Judy Sims says:

      Originally Posted by LadyAngel
      Careful, we might hold you to that!

      If I thought there would be a large request for that type of world, I might consider it. 😀 Gee, do we do polls here?

    7. Judy Sims says:

      Okay, Karen. You got it. Just call me Judy. 😀

    8. triciamanly says:

      JudySim, your world is so lovely and inviting. With which sims3 ep can you start making your own world? Is it a neighborhood that comes with the game which you build on and decorate, or did you make a brand new template? I have all eps up to pets, but my computer can’t handle pets so I sort of stopped playing sims3, but do have base game installed. I would love to start over again with your new world if I could!

    9. Judy Sims says:

      Thanks, Tricia, but you would have to have all the EPs to play my new world and that includes Showtime. And the Riverview EA free hood installed. This hood is very large, so it would probably take a high end computer to play it.

      To answer your question about the making of the world, I used the EA Create a World program to make this world. It is the only way you can add custom hoods to Sims3. On this one, I started with a flat piece of green blob. 😛 It was quite a challenge. 😀 Do you play Sims2 or Sims3? I got the impression you played Sims2.

      I have a world called Atlantis Renaissance that is fairly large. Your game could probably handle it since it was built way before Pets. I will be posting all my worlds here soon, so watch for it. It is beautiful and has a Grecian/Roman styled theme.

      Have a great evening. Hugs, Judy 🙂

    10. LadyAngel says:

      I’ve just reported the thief that stole your world and uploaded it to the exchange. Let’s hope EA gets their bum into gear and bans this person from their site! :fuming:

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