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Pirate/Barrel Decor (Views:

Item Type: New Mesh
Function: Sets
Room: Multiple Rooms
Price: §Various
Poly Count(s): Treasure chest 60, Table 152, Tankard 1432, Chair 474
This was an idea given to me by an MTS member. It’s decor based on a pirate theme. There are 4 new meshes: a treasure chest, chair, table and tankard. There are also 3 new walls and a floor set. The walls can be found under ‘Masonry’ and the floor under ‘Stone’. I also made a recolour of a Maxis counter.
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Yo ho ho ho! Fabulous! Now we need some kind of hideout to put them in, and maybe it should be a beach lot with the pirate ship a ground there. Hmmmm . . .
Ooh, good idea! I forgot about the pirate ship!