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Pirate Island Lighthouse (Views:

Property Type: Residential
Condition: Fully Furnished
Price: §38,162
Lot Size: 3×5
Extra Info:
This is a beach lot
This upload contains custom content
Content is included
This cheap lighthouse is fully playable as a residential lot and has been tested. The only custom content is the terrain paints, by myself.
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Very pretty Angela, but I’m not sure I’d want everyone walking thro my bathroom!
Well, it’s not really built for entertaining, so I think they’ll be fine 😀
Oh, I love this, Angela! How fun!
You know, I love all things beachy, as you do.
Am going to download it when next I am on my desktop.
Thank you! Great job!
Thanks Sugah – Believe it or not, after visiting your site and seeing all the cool, beach-y stuff you have there, I’ve decided to re-decorate our bathroom with a nautical theme!

Oh, truly??? How cool is THAT?

Angela, I wanted to ask you …
I am wanting to download this lighthouse, but I do not play with Uni, OFB or Seasons.
Do you know if any of the structural/important pieces of your lighthouse are from any of those EPs?
I will be using the Sims2CleanPk to install, but just wanted to know if the lighthouse, itself, will all show up properly.
Oh, I honestly don’t know, sorry!
(P.S. Did you know that EA was giving away all their EP’s and SP’s last month?)
Thank you.
@skully22 – Thanks! 🙂