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  • Residential Pensioners Pride   (Views: 1,175 )

    5 Responses

    1. Cool house, Angela! Do you like TS4? Have you been persuaded to buy it?

    2. LadyAngel says:

      Thank you Kaz. I like it so far, but it’s still a bit, too expensive for me at the moment. The building is great, but it’s not as configurable without the pattern tool. 🙁

    3. I was given it as a Christmas gift 😀

    4. triciamanly says:

      I like it! Does Sims4 have Create a Style? Is it as dark as Sims3, like do you have to put in lights to see what you’re doing? Or was that just my computer? I’m still waiting to see if hubby comes through!!

    5. LadyAngel says:

      Kaz, I’m saving up for a new tablet at the moment, so that takes priority. 🙂

      Anne, there is no create a style tool that I could see, and it was quite dark when building, though not as dark as Sims 3. However, my games settings were all on low, and once I added lots of lights it was much better.

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