Our New Website :) (Views: 693 )
First of all, I want to thank you for visiting our humble website. For returning visitors and members, you will notice that we have completely re-vamped our website. We are using new software, as the software running on the old site was outdated and unsupported, which could, and most likely would, lead to security problems.
First of all, for anyone who wishes to upload items, I’d better get the bad news out of the way – at this moment, there is no way to track downloads. š„ Ā I know, this is a huge issue, but unfortunately unavoidableĀ at this time. I hope it doesn’t stop you from uploading, and we will be looking at ways to implement download counts in the future.
We have also completely changed the way in which you can upload items, hopefully making it easier and less confusing. You can add multiple files and images at once, and it’s easier to select a featured image to be shown within search results. You can, if you so wish, add offsite download links and images rather than uploading files and screenshots.
A word about ImageShack – A lot of members have used ImageShack’s former free image hosting to add images their posts and tutorials. Unfortunately, ImageShack is now paid only andĀ appear to haveĀ deleted all free hosted images from their servers. That means a lot of posts here are ‘broken’. I would like to respectfully ask that members edit their posts to replace these images. Thank you.
We hope this new site is much easier to use and navigate; apparently the old one was confusing, with far too many links and features that just weren’t used, making the site slower than it should have been.
Our arcade – We have also decided, reluctantly, to get rid of the games arcade. The arcade was taking up almost 10 GB of space on the server, and we feel this space is best served to host downloads instead. We may decide, in the future, to bring back a much smaller arcade, but it’s not a priority at the moment.
We have also upgraded the server, adding more RAM, so hopefully it should load faster than it did before.
All downloads and comments have had to be moved over manually, so if you are a returning member and notice something I’ve done wrong, please let me know and I’ll fix it a.s.a.p.
The site is not 100% complete as yet – we are still tidying up the forums and will be changing/adding new FAQ’s for those of you that need support.
We have a feedback survey here which you could fill in to help us to continue developing this website. All submissions are 100% anonymous, but you can leave your username if you are a member (optional).
We have also implemented a simple kind of social networking – from your profile you can view and add friends, see all activity and add links to your Facebook, Twitter and other social site profiles.
Thank you for taking the time to visit and to read this post; I welcome any constructive comments and feedback, and of course, if you need support, you can post in the forums or contact me directly using the contact link at the top of the site.
This post is now outdated and closed to new comments.