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Our House (Views:

Property Type: Starter Homes
Condition: Fixtures n Fittings Only
Bedrooms: 3
Price: §19,962
Lot Size: 2×2
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An exact replica of my house for under 20,000Â 

Watch out for a fully furnished replica coming soon!
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That’s brilliant! Just like yours…the landing could be a photo! You have to decorate it just like yours, too! Just one thing, you need to change the bath to point in the other direction or your Sims won’t be able to use it. 🙂
Thank you, pleased you like it. I will decorate it like ours. I would be interested to see your version though so I can see how you would decorate if you lived in our house 🙂
Hmm…not sure you would like that, though! lol