Old Money (Views:

Property Type: Residential
Condition: Fully Furnished
Bedrooms: 7
Price: §290,589
Lot Size: 5×3
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Contains custom content
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Raynard and Ruell Oakmont are not nouveau riche. On the contrary, they come from old money, and one of the reasons they have maintained their fortune is because they are also very frugal. For example, when they heard they could add luxury to their huge, historic country house by purchasing Persian carpets for only 1 simoleon per square foot, they immediately ordered one for every room on the lower floor. The only problem was that when the carpets arrived they were in pieces, 8 – 12 per carpet, and had to be assembled like puzzles. Though disappointed, R and R got to work, themselves, and put the carpets together and glued them to the dark hardwood floors. When they finished, they were actually quite satisfied with the result.
lots of walls, floors, and furniture recolors by me
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Anne, each of your creations is even more amazing than the last! I don’t usually download new lots, but this is going straight into my game! The way you’ve matched the furnishings is fantastic, and I especially love the dining room!
Lady Angel, thanks so much! I wish I could figure out how to make the carpet pieces show up all together instead of all mixed up. Hope they won’t be too much of a headache!
Wow, I am blown away by this, its so regal and …….old money like lol!!! And the way you have done those carpets are ingenious! What a fabulous creation Anne!
Brilliant, Anne, looks so real 🙂
Love it!! And that view from the street looks so nice! 🙂
Ohh I am downloading just for the CC it’s awesome Thanks Anne 🙂
Is there any chance I could use this in my new neighbourhood? I’d like to upload a new, fully-populated one.