OFB does Sauna (Views:

Item Type: New Mesh
Function: Plumbing
Room: Outdoor
Price: §4000
Poly Count(s): 2570
The Base Game engine is far too weak, but fortunately the OFB engine can be considered a better Base Game, if you ignore the EA shopping that is really a pain. It is also possible to ignore the crazy school called for University and the downtown from NL that is really Down. So the game up to OFB is acceptable as Base. Most of the objects work on it. Here is a Sauna that works in pre-Pets games. I replaced the damp by the one from the hot-tub and the result is that some bubbles were unavoidable. The animations are included in the separated package, properly identified. If you have the whole game, you don’t need – it overrides. Floor and wall-papers are not included because they are not modded, of course.
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xpti297, you sure know this game backwards and forwards. I always enjoy looking at your uploads and seeing what out of the box thing you will think of next!
I never enjoyed the game so much as I do now. I adapted everything to my new base game and is exactly what I always wished and I barely have 500Mb CCs. Happy, Happy! 😉