Never Delete The Group File Again! (Views:
There are nasty cache files bogging down your game! Each time you stop playing or building you have to delete the cache files. Groups is the one that gets corrupt the fastest. It get so full, so quick it can slow your game down and even cause it not to start, so here is the solution. I use this and it works wonders!!! This works from Base Game to the highest level and any game configuration too!
Download the clean one and place it on your desktop
Open the rar file. Once done you will see a white file.
It’s the new groups file.
Right click on it and choose properties.
Click “READ ONLY” (Very Important!!!!)
Place into your Sims 2 folder NOT THE DOWNLOADS FOLDER!!!
You should never have to delete this file again!
Keep a copy on your desktop in case the game finds a way to write to it again.
If that happens, which I doubt, delete the old one and replace with a new one
using the instructions above.
The only Cache files you will have to ever delete now are for Body Shop and Accessories.
Download the file from my box account!
You must be a logged in member to download this file
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