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  • Neighbourhoods & Maps Mountainairre   (Views: 14,313 )

    13 Responses

    1. LadyAngel says:

      Another wonderful neighbourhood! It looks amazing, but the cc doesn’t appear to be showing up in my game. 🙁

    2. triciamanly says:

      Thanks so much for downloading! So the neighborhood shows up but not the cc? Or does the neighborhood not show up either? By cc do you mean my new meshes or the walls, floors, etc. too? If it’s just the meshes, are they flashing blue, or does the cloned item show up? I compressed using RAR best to make the file as small as possible. Could that have something to do with the cc not showing up?

    3. FranH says:

      I downloaded and installed your new neighborhood, and it works perfectly well in my game (all ep’s). However, as someone mentioned, the special CC did not seemingly install and I looked everywhere in the downloads sections to find it. But I must say the neighborhood is very pretty! Also, wanted to mention that when I viewed the game in SimPE, there were about 10 families that had no last names, but they’re not townies. Did you put them into houses before you uploaded the NH or were planning to? (I can’t find evidence of it, though)..just wanted to let you know what my SimPE said-it has also all the default townies and downtownies.

    4. LadyAngel says:

      Sorry Anne, I should have been more specific. The cc you created didn’t show, just the objects from which they were cloned. Everything else seems fine.

    5. triciamanly says:

      Originally Posted by FranH
      I downloaded and installed your new neighborhood, and it works perfectly well in my game (all ep’s). However, as someone mentioned, the special CC did not seemingly install and I looked everywhere in the downloads sections to find it. But I must say the neighborhood is very pretty! Also, wanted to mention that when I viewed the game in SimPE, there were about 10 families that had no last names, but they’re not townies. Did you put them into houses before you uploaded the NH or were planning to? (I can’t find evidence of it, though)..just wanted to let you know what my SimPE said-it has also all the default townies and downtownies.

      FranH, thank you so much for the feedback. I’m at a loss to know why there are Sims since I did not test any of the lots in the neighborhood, but rather put them in the lots and houses bin, immediately replaced them where they were, and then tested the lots in another neighborhood. Did you notice whether the church had a mural of a river in the front? Or were the walls just bare? I’m trying to figure out if the custom walls and floors made it in. Thanks again, so very much!

    6. triciamanly says:

      Thanks so much Angela, for all you do to help me out! Did your and my custom walls and floors show up? I’m thinking of going back through every lot and taking out all cc, even though I love the cc I used, namely your brick walls and some of my rugs and stuff.

    7. FranH says:

      Actually, the walls and floors did not make it in, sad to say. The walls were bare, and I think the floors were defaulted or bare-the furniture defaulted to Maxis, as well. Otherwise the buildings all loaded properly. Perhaps it was my settings-but I do have all the EP’s, so if you made it for Seasons (which I do have) they should have made it in. Can’t explain the extra people, but if you have SimPE, you can check it out. I couldn’t view their data, but they were in the families list of the neighborhood.

    8. chilili says:

      What a beautiful neighborhood. I wish I could do that but I can’t the only thing and can do is try to build more elaborate houses, actually I think right now that will be enough for me 😆
      It is love Tricia.
      Thanks, chi

    9. triciamanly says:

      Oh No!! No cc showed up! What could have gone wrong? I’m going to go back in and redo the whole thing with no cc. Phooey! So sorry to all, but perhaps you will enjoy decorating the houses to your own taste anyway. Thanks chi, so much for the sweet comment and to all of you for the feedback!

    10. Dominie says:

      Hi 🙂 Was this ever updated?

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