Modernisticallyfuturistic (Views:

Property Type: Residential
Condition: Fully Furnished
Bedrooms: 5
Price: §132,308
Lot Size: 3×3
Here is a four to five bedroom, three bathroom modern home for cutting edge sims. The house is “super modern” with sharp angles and sloped roofs and has been play tested to make sure things work. The canopy bed in the master can be either single or double. If you want double, click on the base of the bed. Otherwise, the bed can be used as two twins. The house is equipped with lots of skill items and has plenty of room for entertaining. Hope your sims will love living here!
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I really like the kitchen in this one. How did you get the column inside the cabinet?
Hi LadyAngel! I used the boolprop snapobjectstogrid false and move_objects on cheats to put the columns in the counters. Thanks for your comment!
Do you know, I’ve know about those cheats for ages but would never have thought to do that. I’m going to try it too! 😀