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  • Plumbing Modern One Tile Shower   (Views: 6,178 )

    6 Responses

    1. ekrubynaffit says:

      Oh well done Anne!!! You are doing so well with making objects and to fill a wee niche that is needed!! Thankyou!

    2. LadyAngel says:

      Ooh, Anne, the base game really needs this, thank you, and you’re getting so good at meshing!

    3. triciamanly says:

      Oh many thanks you two! I hope it will be usable. At least I plan to use it! and thanks for the encouragement on meshing, but to be honest, when I compare my primitive objects to the gorgeous stuff in Cheeky’s lots, I realize that something is missing! Texturing is the hardest for me, although I still haven’t learned to make curving things very well. To make the shower I extruded like you taught me Lady Angel! The texturing just sort of turned out ok by accident!

    4. CheekyBugga says:

      Ohh this is great Anne and 1 I must download!! I always just use the games one (I have many but dont know who made most of them) lol So expect this in my uploads with credit 😀 thanks hun xoxo

    5. CheekyBugga says:

      Originally Posted by triciamanly
      Oh many thanks you two! I hope it will be usable. At least I plan to use it! and thanks for the encouragement on meshing, but to be honest, when I compare my primitive objects to the gorgeous stuff in Cheeky’s lots, I realize that something is missing! Texturing is the hardest for me, although I still haven’t learned to make curving things very well. To make the shower I extruded like you taught me Lady Angel! The texturing just sort of turned out ok by accident!

      OI you dont ever say yours are primative young Lady Because as I said I always just use the games one ..I love your lots!! and your Talent!!!

    6. triciamanly says:

      You’re sweet Cheeky, thanks soo much! But as I said, your lots really have lovely cc that make them look incredible! It takes time to find such a good collection I would imagine!

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