Modern One Tile Shower (Views: 6,177 )
Item Type: New Mesh
Function: Plumbing
Room: Bathroom
Price: §100
Poly Count(s): 348
For base game builders, here is a wall shower so you can paint the tile any color you want. If you, like me, are tired of the three base game showers, and don’t have University EP installed, here is the solution. I plan on building some luxurious bathrooms in the near future and will place the shower in a little room of its own. This is a clone of the value shower and behaves the same way, so you need to leave the grid perpendicular to the actual shower free. If you wish to have a communal shower, leave a grid between each shower (my sims would prefer that anyway! Personal space you know!)
This item will only cost your sims 100 simoleons. Keep it simple and get clean at the same time!
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Oh well done Anne!!! You are doing so well with making objects and to fill a wee niche that is needed!! Thankyou!
Ooh, Anne, the base game really needs this, thank you, and you’re getting so good at meshing!
Oh many thanks you two! I hope it will be usable. At least I plan to use it! and thanks for the encouragement on meshing, but to be honest, when I compare my primitive objects to the gorgeous stuff in Cheeky’s lots, I realize that something is missing! Texturing is the hardest for me, although I still haven’t learned to make curving things very well. To make the shower I extruded like you taught me Lady Angel! The texturing just sort of turned out ok by accident!
Ohh this is great Anne and 1 I must download!! I always just use the games one (I have many but dont know who made most of them) lol So expect this in my uploads with credit 😀 thanks hun xoxo
OI you dont ever say yours are primative young Lady Because as I said I always just use the games one ..I love your lots!! and your Talent!!!
You’re sweet Cheeky, thanks soo much! But as I said, your lots really have lovely cc that make them look incredible! It takes time to find such a good collection I would imagine!