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  • Creating Milkshape for (re)Colorists   (Views: 1,675 )

    2 Responses

    1. LadyAngel says:

      Excellent tutorial, thank you. I struggle with Milkshape as it always seems to complicated to use, though I have tried lots of times. Not sure why I can’t grasp it. 🙁

    2. xptl297 says:

      Both Milkshape and Blender have miserable tutorials. Seems they don’t want you to learn at all. Worst when you have to be Online to use Help, it makes you wish to go to bed earlier. I use pure logic to use a program and soon or later I guess what they are meant to be. Milkshape is a simple and straightforward program and I’m writing down my own Tutorials, hope it helps someone. I have to learn Blender because I’m preparing my computer system to use Linux in the future and of course my choice of programs will limit down.

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