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Medieval Dining Table (Views:

Item Type: New Mesh
Function: Surfaces – Dining Tables
Room: Dining
Price: §675
Poly Count(s): 1588
Note from admin: All ImageShack images have disappeared!
After toying with meshing for some time now, I finally decided to have a serious attempt. Failure after failure almost made me give up, but I finally ended up with this, my very first mesh upload!
It’s a Medieval-style dining table with 6 re-colours. I hope you like it!
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Awww Good Work Angel!!!!!! I am in awe of your determination!!! and I’m going to be the first one to Download your excellent work!! Even the Green one Thank You!!
Correction!! 2ND Person LOL
Great job on your first attempt LadyA, looking forward to seeing more 🙂
Thank you both, high praise indeed! 🙂
It’s lovely Angel, well done 🙂
Congrats on your first mesh upload!! I wish I took the effort. I think I would like to make some interesting stuff I just never found the time to work out where to start
Thanks all 🙂
TDS, the meshing tutorials at BlackPearlSims are very easy to follow, much easier than the ones at MTS, and Wings 3D is, in my opinion, easier to use than Milkshape, and it’s free!
After a few more goes, I may write a simple tutorial myself.