Loveseat Comfort (Views:

Item Type: New Mesh
Function: Comfort – Sofas & Loveseats
Room: Living
Price: §450
Poly Count(s): 2769
This is a Loveseat I made to complement the sofa that came with AL, named Comfy. In fact I didn’t like the flannel over the back of the sofa, so I didn’t include it. I made also a sofa version without the flannel but I’m not sure of the quality. Here is only the 2seats. It is in 3 colors: brown, red and black.
It is possibly Base Game but as I have the whole game, I’m not quite sure. All my objects state Version 1 and it seems to mean that you should have at least One EP installed. It is cloned from a Base Game sofa (club) but all the original “Club” objects seem to be different from the other game objects (maybe a 3rd part creation?).
I used simpe, Milkshape and Photoshop7.
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Thanks for this, base game furniture is always welcome. 🙂
Great work Thanks 🙂