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  • Residential Lockwood House – No CC   (Views: 1,884 )

    7 Responses

    1. LadyAngel says:

      This is so lovely! Well done on your first S4 upload! What’s it like to build with? I’m still trying to decide if it’s worth the high price or not. πŸ™‚

    2. Thank you, Angela πŸ˜€

      Once you get used to the tools, it’s quite easy to build with. At the moment Origin are offering 48 hours free play of TS4! So you could find out for yourself πŸ˜€

    3. Princess says:

      Love this house, very modern! I especially love the open plan living downstairs.

    4. LadyAngel says:

      Thank you, Angela:D

      Once you get used to the tools, it’s quite easy to build with. At the moment Origin are offering 48 hours free play of TS4! So you could find out for yourself:D

      Ooh, may take them up on that, thanks!

    5. Thank you, Princess πŸ˜€

    6. triciamanly says:

      It’s a great house Karen Lorraine! I really like the rooftop garden. Does Sims4 have Create a Style?

    7. Thank you Anne πŸ™‚ And no, there is no Create a style, Anne, it has recolours a bit like TS2. Origin still have a 48 hour trial going for free if you want to try it.

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