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Lily Cottage – Base Game (Views:

Property Type: Residential
Condition: Fully Furnished
Price: §106,500
Lot Size: 3×2
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3 bedroom cottage with small garden.
Custom content is by me and tofusnorlax:
and the following links:
Required Expansion Packs:
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Really like this Angela, it seems very cosy but still spacious at the same time.
How do you do it?? My houses so far are mostly big YET my bedrooms are always so much smaller than yours?? The screenshots are awesome!!
Thank you both 🙂
Well, I love it. I particularly like the tile and wood flooring combo and you know how I love your wall paper! Also, the sloping front porch balances the house perfectly.
Love it – you make it look so easy building with base game. I find it challenging. Hubby has recently installed base game on the laptop for me so I’m going to give a few a try 🙂
Thanks girls! Sophie, you’re as good with the base game as anyone here. 🙂