Jigsaw Coffee Table (Views:

Item Type: New Mesh
Function: Surfaces – Coffee Tables
Room: Living
Price: §10
Poly Count(s): 940
I call this the ‘jigsaw’ coffee table as it was difficult to fit the pieces together  . However, with help from TheDeadSim and karen lorraine I have a finished object. It should fit well into modern homes. It can be recoloured and the map is included in the download. The ornaments are integrated into the table, but you can fit something on the top if you want. I hope you like it!
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Forgot to mention, it’s based on this image:

Wow, it’s beautiful!
I love this table! Beautiful work!!!!
Fantastic job Angela, you really are getting very good!
Glad to see it up! It looks so great!! You did a really good job with this. I’d love to see some more modern stuff come from you.
I agree 100% of what Cam said!! Except I say Please make more and Thank you for this 🙂
I love this. You know I love modern so this is very me. Excellent job with this 🙂
Thank you all so much! Although I hate modern myself, I’m really pleased with the way this turned out, which was largely due to Cam for making me tweak it until it was just right! 😀 If you want more modern, I’ll see what I can do!
It’s lovely and so needed! I’m so tired of the base game coffee tables. You have just given me new interest and inspiration!