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  • Neighbourhoods & Maps Islasol   (Views: 32,285 )

    7 Responses

    1. LadyAngel says:

      This must have taken forever to build, it’s amazing! And all base game, too!

    2. Sugah says:

      I am all about beach lots, Tricia!
      I really like Islasol. It’s obvious how hard you worked on this new neighborhood.
      You’ve truly outdone yourself. I can’t imagine how long this took and how much effort you put into it!

      Is there a bare hood without the lots for those of us who like to start with a clean slate per chance?

      Great job! Bravo!!!

    3. triciamanly says:

      Hi Sugah! Thanks so much for the nice comment! Should I just upload the sc4 terrain? Not sure how to do it, but would be glad to. Will ask Lady Angel!

    4. xptl297 says:

      I think you should post the SC4 map, it is easier than delete the lots and I sincerely don’t know the implications. I remember I did this once because I wanted to get rid of the lots in one of the downtown hoods but I don’t remember if it was everything all right. To post the SC4 you need only to go to the path EA GamesThe Sims2SC4 Terrains and copy the SC4 package plus the 5 pictures equivalent to the images to be shown in each hood condition (neutral, desert, lushy, etc). Put all together in a folder and compress for upload. That’s all. If you don’t have all the images, the only process I know, is to create temporary hoods in your game for each of the conditions and take pictures of the result. You can delete the extra hoods after use. Crop the pictures taken to the official size, rename them and voilà, that’s all you need.

    5. triciamanly says:

      xptl297, thanks so much. You have given me another project to work on!

    6. jlouis says:

      A gigantic and magnificent work,congratulations and thanks.

    7. Awesome work on this download!! Thanks so much for sharing this!! I can’t wait to use it sometime!! 😉

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